Monday, March 7, 2011

International Womens Day 8th March 2011 in Seaward Kayaks

Seaward Kayaks Australia Team - closed the store in Huskisson for the day and took some time out to celebrate International Women's Day.

A day trip to the Booderee National Park was decided upon to celebrate International Women's Day today. Along with Ashleigh McDonald ( JBK & Seaward Kayaks Sea Guide )and Tracy Gibson ( JBK & Seaward Kayaks Australia Kayak Training Coordinator ), we spent the day just simply soaking up the majestic location and practicing skills in some of the most beautiful bays and beaches the region has to offer.

Summercloud Bay - Booderee National Park Jervis Bay Territory
A rare chance to brush up on our Rolls , bracing and skills, the girls laughed and generally messed around in our boats after the 6km paddle out to St Georges Head. The return journey saw us meandering close to the coast to avoid the 30knot headwinds and a well deserved break at Kitty's Point.
Kitty's Point - Sheltered spot to soak up the sun and warm water.
We broke out the Snorkeling Gear and some more skill training a bit of fun at Whiting Beach made the most of a perfect day.

Our Seaward Kayaks looking all the more beautiful with the amazing backdrop and we cant wait to get out there again.

"Oh - I love my Cosma" - Ashleigh McDonald JBK Guide

The Beauty of Booderee National Park Jervis Bay - and 10 minutes from Home.


Janet Boardman

Jervis Bay Kayak Co Director / Seaward Kayaks Australia Director